Friday, October 30, 2015

Azure–Token Error when execute from Powershell

I was doing the following :

  • Connect to a Azure from a Computer A
  • Execute the connection from PowerShell and connecting to Azure
  • Everything was ok.

Then I went to another location.  Executing the same process by connecting to Azure through the PowerShell.  I had no issue when executing the Add-AzureAccount but when I check I tried to get the subscription, I had the error as below :


After some finding, it seemed the token in the second location has expired.  Therefore I did the following :

  • The User I login is Administrator, therefore I go to :

C:\Users\Administrator\AppsData\Roaming\Windows Azure Powershell

Note : Change only the value in the PINK, with whatever credential you use to login to the PC.

  • Delete all the content in the directory


  • Proceed back to PowerShell and Add-AzureAccount
  • Then execute the Get-Subscription will display with no issue.

keywords : failed to refresh token, no service namespace, the server returned an error (400), AadAuthenticationFailedExecption, Bad Request

Thursday, October 8, 2015

DPM Reporting – An error has occurred during report processing

I hit an issue on launching the DPM reporting.  The DPM is functioning well except the reporting.  It’s the issue of the SQL Reporting settings.


It stated as :

An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted).
Query execution failed for dataset ‘DataSet2’. (rsErrorExecutingCommand)
Invalid object name ‘vw_DPM_Replica’.

Steps taken to resolve :

  • Launch the Reporting Services Configuration Manager in the DPM
  • Select the Report Manager URL on the left panel
  • Click on the URL on the right panel


  • Double-click on the DPMReporterDataSource
  • The Connection string is missing.
  • Minimize this screen


  • Create a file call dbtest.udl on the desktop (it’s a build in Windows)
  • Double click on it.


  • Once the Data Link Properties launch, Select the server name (using the drop down)
  • Use the Windows NT integrated security for the credential
  • Select the database (using the drop down)
  • Click Test Connection


  • Click OK once it’s successful


  • Right-click on the dbtest.udl and open with notepad


  • Copy the text from “Intergrated ….. “till the end of the line


  • Maximize the DPMReporterDataSource
  • Paste the copied text into the Connection string.
  • Click on Test Connection (may request to key in password again)
  • Once successful, click Apply.

Launch the DPM reporting with no issue occurred.

keyword : DPM, SQL, SRSS, Reporting Services, rsErrorExecutingCommand, rsProcessingAborted, dataset, query execution failed, invalid object name